Meet the Team
In Loving Memory
Universal Animal Intuitive / Communication
Adult Sessions
Children / Adolescent Sessions
16 Hands of Love’s
Volunteer Intake Form
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Zip Code
Phone Number
What interested you about our organization and how did you hear about us?
Do you have experience in working with animals and if so, please specify which type and kind.
Do you have experience in healing through nature and animals? Please explain below
Do you have experience in working with children? Please share below
What do you feel your strengths are? Special skills and areas of interest?
What are your weaknesses?
In what areas are you looking to grow and expand in your life at this time?
Are you willing to be self-reflective and open to what the herd is sharing with you?
Are you willing to view our herd and humans as equals and treat all with respect?
This is a working herd, meaning…our animals are “crunchy” they choose to live mostly outdoors and very rarely are brought into their stalls. They are not bathed or groomed on a regular basis by design. We honor the belief that allowing the animals to stay as natural (dirty) as possible, gives them more natural protection against the natural element (this does not mean that we don’t bathe or groom but it is not as frequent as some might want or are used to).
We stress that this is something you’re comfortable with and we completely understand that it’s not everyone’s walk in life but through many different modalities that we have experienced (from the pristine show world, and bathed/groomed weekly for our ‘indoor’ pets) this type of care works best for our herd and is what they are ok with too.
Please take this into consideration when you apply to volunteer.
We also follow natural and homeopathic healing in honoring that our bodies are the best healers. We are not opposed to western methods and do use them when needed/necessary but our first approach is to heal the body from the inside out while listening to what it’s asking for from an emotional standpoint. An example is when a horse has a hoof issue, it can be linked to kidneys, so we are going to balance the horse from the inside out to help heal the hoof. We will also address the hoof issue as well but both modalities need to be considered for true healing to occur. Sometimes natural healing can look scary or “not pretty” to some of us. But in the end, the body heals completely vs temporarily. We have had over 10 years of experience with this and have much success. This is another aspect that we ask potential volunteers to consider when deciding if we are a match for you.
Please let us know your experience with natural living and healing if any:
What areas would you like to volunteer in?
Feeding animals
Yard work
Ranch Work (fence repair, cleaning water buckets, etc.)
Construction (repairing sheds, building sheds, etc.)
Grant writing
How many hours per week are you available?
What days of the week and times are you available?
A photo of your ID will be kept on file and a background check is required to volunteer. We ask for a $20 donation to help with the fees involved with the background check.
Meet the Team
In Loving Memory
Universal Animal Intuitive / Communication
Adult Sessions
Children / Adolescent Sessions